Thursday, February 22, 2007

Quest For Happiness

Quest For Happiness
By Alan Jackson

Are you searching for true happiness? You can find it, if you know where to look. Upon self examination you may find that happiness, according to what you think, may not be attainable. Often times, we as a society, think that having things, or buying things that we want, will bring us true happiness. While its true that these things do bring us a bit of happiness, it is seldom long lasting.

There are many things in life that can and does cloud the true meaning of happiness in ones life. Upon examination these things, which we think will bring us true happiness, often do not live up to the task of creating true happiness for us.

So it stands to reason that we need to change the way we look at our thoughts of attaining true happiness. Happiness is a emotion that is essential to everyones life, for a balanced life. The search for true happiness, for some may seem unattainable. But I assure you that all can reach it if they are willing to change their thought process.

It's okay to disagree with this statement, but I assure you that it is true. If one is not willing to dissect their thoughts, to find out why they believe the way that they do, then I assure you happiness most suredly, will evade that person.

Once a person understands why they think the way they do, the process of change can begin. It stands to reason that you cannot change, if you don't know where to begin. Once you understand that the way you think can and often does prevent you from attaining the happiness that you seek, you are then in a position to do something about it.

I believe that true happiness is created by the person that holds it. Yes I said created. You see once a person knows what doesn't create true and long lasting happiness, they can begin to search their soul to find what will.

Just as the misbelief of buying things for our happiness was created, so must true happiness must be created within oneself. If you think about what you may have had to go through to create a temporary sense of happiness, you may find the reason why it is temporary.

We all experience temporary happiness, to a degree. To find permanent true happiness, requires that we be very honest with ourselves. Honest soul searching will provide anyone the answer they seek.

Once you are able to rid your thought process of all the misconceptions that may be there, you can begin the search for what truly makes you happy.

Don't be surprised if you find, that true happiness doesn't cost a thing, and has been in your life all along. It is a simple thing, once you understand. When you find it, you will know, because you truly will be happy.

My mother taught us kids a song when we were little, maybe you have heard it. It goes like this, and I have no idea where it originated from. But here are the words.

We ain't got a barrel of money and we sure are ragged and funny, but we'll travel along, singing our song, side by side.

This song will forever be in my soul and I often reflect on it to remember that true happiness isn't what we want to buy for ourselves, but is reflecting on a moment in time, when true happiness was created and present in my life for all time.

I am not any kind of doctor, nor am I educated in any kind of field of psycology. I am just a normal person maybe just like you. I only wish to show you that true happiness is where you find it and once you know where to look, you will always be able to find it, or create it.

I truly wish you a wonderful life. Create happiness along the way.

Alan Jackson

My reflections of my happiness.

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